UCF Named Tree Campus USA

Every year since 2011, UCF has been awarded the ‘Tree Campus USA” designation by the National Arbor Day foundation. This dedication recognizes the University of Central Florida as a leader in arboricultural practices. Tree Campus USA is a national program designed to increase quality and quantity of Urban Forests on University campuses throughout the country. The award recognizes participants who have made a commitment to improving the quality of outdoor experiences on campus, based on five core standards aimed at supporting a resilient forest. To win the award, campuses must establish a Tree Advisory Committee, a Campus Tree Care Plan, dedicated annual expenditures, an Arbor Day observance, and sponsorship of student service-learning programs.

Each year for UCF’s Arbor Day celebration, students, community supporters, and friends and family turn out to share their passion for trees with a tree planting event to celebrate UCF Arbor Day. While UCF’s Landscape and Natural Resources celebrates trees every day, the Arbor Day celebration is a fantastic way to share information about trees with the public. Since 2011, the event has hosted UCF Athletics, a number of UCF classes, local public schools, UCF’s Inclusive Education Services, as well as being open to the public.

UCF has made a commitment to carbon reduction with a goal of zero emissions by 2025. Each year, with support from the Arbor Day Foundation, students, community and staff are a few steps closer to this goal by planting trees, providing valuable ecosystem services, carbon sequestration, and an enjoyable outdoor experience.

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