Individuals or entities wishing to obtain approval for posting temporary outdoor signs on the UCF main campus must submit their requests in accordance with the following procedure. This procedure does not apply to signs placed for student elections or through the Student Government Association. The Student Government Association must follow the SGA Constitution and Statutes, and solicitors must follow UCF regulation 4-101, Solicitation on Campus.

Sign Guidelines:

  • Requests to put out temporary outdoor signs must be submitted via the approval process below, and approved signs must have approval stickers affixed to them;
  • Each sign request shall be limited to a maximum of fifteen (15) signs for up to fourteen (14) days;
  • Signs shall not be larger than three (3) feet by six (6) feet;
  • No sign shall contain obscene text or images;
  • Building Managers may request to place up to two (2) A-frame type signs within 20 feet of their establishment(s), but shall not block pedestrian, emergency or vehicular traffic;
  • Signs may be placed only in approved locations;
  • Signs shall not be located along a University entryway;
  • Signs shall not be located in any roadway median;
  • Rods/wires used to anchor signs shall not exceed 1/8” in diameter;
  • Signs shall not be attached to other structures, including but not limited to benches, trees, light poles, or trash cans;
  • Signs shall not be placed as to block sidewalks or impede the flow or visibility of pedestrian, emergency, or vehicular traffic;
  • Poorly constructed, fallen, weather damaged, or unsightly signs will be removed;
  • Staking, banners and adhesive-backed signs are prohibited.

Request and Approval Process:

Requests for approval stickers can be obtained by emailing information to Student organizations must abide by the UCF Golden Rule for signage.

Sign Removal:

Individuals or entities that post approved signs must remove the signs by the expiration date indicated on their approval stickers. Any signs that are not removed by the end of the allowable time limit, or otherwise fail to adhere to the procedure above, will be removed and discarded by Landscape & Natural Resources.


Exceptions to this procedure need to be approved by the Director of Landscape & Natural Resources, who may recommend review by the University Master Planning Committee or Associate Vice President of Administration and Finance (Facilities and Safety). Landscape & Natural Resources reserves the right to limit and/or restrict the use of temporary signs.

Approved locations:

Approved Signage Locations