National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System

What the permit is:

Created in 1972 by the Clean Water Act, the permit program addresses water pollution by regulating the discharge of stormwater into the water bodies of an area. UCF uses Best Management Practices (BMPs) to prevent/reduce pollution.


Why it is important:

In areas where rainwater can seep into the ground regulation is not necessary, but because of the impervious surfaces on campus such as roads, sidewalks, roofs, etc., UCF has to regulate how the water is discharged.

According to, the benefits of effective stormwater management are:

  • Protection of wetlands and aquatic ecosystems
  • Improved quality of receiving water bodies
  • Conservation of water resources
  • Protection of public health
  • Flood control

UCF holds and participates in many different outreach efforts to make its community aware of the importance of clean stormwater. This includes stormwater tours, tabling events, community clean-ups, and the distribution of educational materials to students, employees, and businesses on campus.


Get involved with us! Join the Adopt-a-Program:

The adopt-a-program allows for groups and organizations on campus to participate in the preservation of UCF’s natural lands. The program includes the adoption and bi-weekly clean up of ponds and roads on campus. Once adopted, it is the organization’s responsibility to ensure the pond/road is kept free of litter. For more information on the adoption process, or which roads and ponds are eligible, visit the arboretum website.


UCF’s NPDES Permit